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Pharmacies provide drug prescription services, as well as medication checks and guidance. Some also provide vaccinations and immunizations, and non-prescription healthcare services.
Access Care Pharmacy
Aegis Health Group - Ouellette Ave - Aegis Pharmacy
Aegis Health Group - Turner Rd - Aegis Pharmacy
AIM Drug Mart Pharmacy
Alvinston Pharmacy
Amherstburg Pharmacy Compounding and Wellness
Banwell Pharmacy - Compounding and Medical Centre
Bayshore Express Pharmacy
Belle River Health Center Pharmacy
Bellwood Pharmacy
Berkshire Pharmacy
Blyth Pharmacy
BMC Pharmacy - Chatham
BMC Pharmacy - Sarnia
Bothwell Pharmacy
Brady's Drug Store - Belle River
Brady's Drug Store - Essex
Bright's Grove Family Pharmacy
Brightshores Health System - Owen Sound Hospital - Retail Pharmacy
Canadian Apothecary
Care Plus Pharmacy
Care RX Windsor East
Carling Heights Pharmacy
CDS Pharmacy
CDS Pharmacy - Ailsa Craig
CDS Pharmacy - London - Wonderland Rd N
CDS Pharmacy - Mount Brydges
Chapman's Pharmacy
Chatham Centre Pharmacy
Chatham Family Pharmacy
Cherryhill Pharmacy
Chesley Pharmacy
Church Street Pharmacy
Comber Drug Store
Commissioners Pharmacy
Community Care Pharmacy
Costco Pharmacy - London - Dingman Dr
Costco Pharmacy - London - Wonderland Rd N
Costco Pharmacy - Windsor - Walker Rd
Cottam Pharmacy
Delaware Pharmacy
Dorwin Medical Pharmacy - IDA
Dougall Pharmacy
Drive Pharmacy (The)
DRUGStore Pharmacy (Wadland Pharmacy Ltd.) - Port Elgin (Vanderwerf's Your Independent Grocer) (YIG)
Dundas Pharmacy - London
East Village Apothecary
Eastown Pharmacy - Windsor (Eastside Discount Drug Store)
Elite Drug Mart
Elmdale Medical Pharmacy - Remedy'sRx - St. Thomas
Elston Pharmacy
Elston Pharmacy - Chatham-Kent Health Alliance Hospital Outpatient Pharmacy
Embro Family Pharmacy
Erie Shores Healthcare Pharmacy
Ernest Pharmacy and Medical Centre
Essential Pharmacy
Essex Guardian Prescription Centre
Excel Pharmacy - PharmaChoice - Ilderton - Heritage Dr (Excel)
Exmouth Pharmacy
Farnham Pharmacy
First Ave Pharmacy
Flesherton Pharmacy
FMC Pharmacy
Food and Drug Basics Pharmacy - London
Food and Drug Basics Pharmacy - Sarnia - Indian Rd S
Food and Drug Basics Pharmacy - Stratford
Food Basics Pharmacy - Chatham - St Clair St
Front Street Pharmacy
Goyeau Pharmacy
Grace Drug Store
Grace Pharmacy
Grand Marais Pharmacy
GreenShield Pharmacy
Guardian Pharmacy - (Lakeshore Pharmacy)
Guardian Pharmacy - (Roseville Medical Pharmacy)
Guardian Pharmacy - Belmont (Belmont Pharmacy)
Guardian Pharmacy - Exeter
Guardian Pharmacy - Glencoe
Guardian Pharmacy - Kingsville - Main St E (Malotts Pharmacy)
Guardian Pharmacy - Leamington (Thomson)
Guardian Pharmacy - London - Commissioners Rd E (Frontenac Pharmacy)
Guardian Pharmacy - London - Dundas St (Coulter's)
Guardian Pharmacy - London - Fanshawe Park Rd W (Fanshawe Pharmacy)
Guardian Pharmacy - London - Richmond St (Sunningdale Uptown)
Guardian Pharmacy - London - Thompson Rd (Luna RX)
Guardian Pharmacy - London - Wonderland Rd S (Wonderland Pharmacy)
Guardian Pharmacy - Medpoint Care Pharmacy
Guardian Pharmacy - Mount Brydges - Southwest Middlesex Health Centre
Guardian Pharmacy - Paisley
Guardian Pharmacy - Plattsville
Guardian Pharmacy - Sauble Beach
Guardian Pharmacy - St Marys - Wellington St S (Jackson's)
Guardian Pharmacy - Stratford - Wellington St (Sinclair)
Guardian Pharmacy - Strathroy - Front St W (Bossons Pharmacy)
Guardian Pharmacy - Walkerton (Brown's)
Guardian Pharmacy - Wheatley (Adamson)
Guardian Pharmacy - Windsor - Dougall Ave (DMC Pharmacy)
Guardian Pharmacy - Windsor - Lanoue St (Tecumseh Pharmacy Plus)
Guardian Pharmacy - Windsor - Wyandotte St E (Advantage Drug Mart)
Guardian Pharmacy - Windsor - Wyandotte St E (City Centre Pharmacy)
Guardian Pharmacy - Woodstock - Queenston Blvd (Oxford)
Hamilton Pharmacy
Hauser's Pharmacy - Wallaceburg
HDGH Prince Rd Pharmacy
Health Centre Pharmacy - Remedy'sRx - St Thomas
Health First Pharmacy
Health Trust Pharmacy
HealthFirst Pharmacy
HealthFirst Pharmacy
Healthpoint Pharmacy
Hensall Pharmacy
Hills Clinic Pharmacy - Aylmer - Talbot St W (Pharmachoice)
Hogan Pharmacy - Bluewater
Hogan Pharmacy - Corunna
Hogan Pharmacy - Petrolia
Hogan Pharmacy - Sarnia
Hometown Family Pharmacy
Hubbard Pharmacy Limited
Hunter's Pharmacy
Hyde Park Care Pharmacy
IDA Pharmacy - 1909 Prescription Centre
IDA Pharmacy - Aylmer
IDA Pharmacy - Dorchester
IDA Pharmacy - Durham (Rx Drug Mart Garafraxa)
IDA Pharmacy - Dutton (Highland Pharmacy)
IDA Pharmacy - Exeter (Huron Apothecary)
IDA Pharmacy - Goderich (De Jager Town Square)
IDA Pharmacy - Hanover (Shannon IDA Pharmacy)
IDA Pharmacy - Kingsville
IDA Pharmacy - Listowel
IDA Pharmacy - London - Wonderland Rd N (London Medical Plex)
IDA Pharmacy - London - Wonderland Rd S (Dini Pharmacy)
IDA Pharmacy - Markdale
IDA Pharmacy - Meaford
IDA Pharmacy - Mitchell (Walther's)
IDA Pharmacy - Owen Sound
IDA Pharmacy - Parkhill (McIntyre Pharmacy)
IDA Pharmacy - Port Burwell
IDA Pharmacy - Sarnia - Exmouth St
IDA Pharmacy - Strathroy (Pharmacy on Metcalfe)
IDA Pharmacy - Tavistock
IDA Pharmacy - Tecumseh (TLC Pharmacy)
IDA Pharmacy - Tillsonburg (Tillsonburg Care Pharmacy)
IDA Pharmacy - Wiarton (Bayside)
IDA Pharmacy - Wiarton (McKenzie's)
IDA Pharmacy - Windsor - 475 Tecumseh Rd E (Clinix Plus Pharmacy)
IDA Pharmacy - Windsor - 5115 Tecumseh Rd E (Westminster Pharmacy)
IDA Pharmacy - Windsor - Dougall Ave (Lifestyle Pharmacy and Candy Bar)
IDA Pharmacy - Windsor - Erie St E (Erie Health and Wellness)
IDA Pharmacy - Windsor - Forest Glade Dr
IDA Pharmacy - Windsor - Sandwich St
IDA Pharmacy - Windsor- Grandview St (Fontainebleu)
IDA Pharmacy - Windssor - Lauzon Rd (Apollo)
IDA Pharmacy - Wingham (Rx Drug Mart)
IDA Pharmacy - Woodstock (Princess)
Independent Grocer - Loblaw Pharmacy - Exeter (Hansen's)
Independent Grocer - Loblaw Pharmacy - St Marys (McDonald's)
Independent Grocer DRUGStore Pharmacy - Hanover (Grant's)
Ingersoll Medical Pharmacy
Innerkip Family Pharmacy
InstaCARE Pharmacy and Clinic
Jackson Park Pharmacy - Windsor (Guardian)
Keating's Pharmacy
Knight Hill Pharmacy
Komoka Pharmacy
Kristen's Pharmacy
Lambeth Drugs
Lambton Pharmacy
Langton Pharmacy
Leamington Princess Pharmacy
Leamington Wellness Pharmacy
Lincoln Road Pharmacy
LMC Pharmacy - London
Loblaws - Loblaw Pharmacy - London - Richmond St N
Loblaws - Loblaw Pharmacy - London - Wonderland Rd S
Loblaws - Loblaw Pharmacy - Windsor - Walker Rd
London Care Pharmacy North
London Health Sciences Centre - University Hospital - Prescription Centre Pharmacy
London Health Sciences Centre - Victoria Hospital - Pharmacy Services - North Tower Prescription Centre
London Health Sciences Centre - Victoria Hospital - Pharmacy Services - Prescription Centre A-Tower Pharmacy
London Medical Pharmacy - London - 1472 Huron St
London Medical Pharmacy - London - 1892 Dundas St
London Medical Pharmacy - London - 528 Dundas St
London Medical Pharmacy - London - 637 Dundas St
London Medical Pharmacy - London - Adelaide St N
London Medical Pharmacy - London - Base Line Rd W
London Medical Pharmacy - London - Bradley Ave (Bradley Medical Centre)
Lucan Drug Mart
MacTavish Pharmacy
Maidstone Pharmacy
Main Street Pharmacy and Wellness Centre - Kingsville
Masonville Pharmacy
McGregor Medical Pharmacy
McIntyre IDA Pharmacy - Sunshine Drugs and Home Healthcare
McKechnie Pharmacy
Mclaren Pharmacy - Watford (McLaren)
McNaughton Pharmacy
Medica Pharmacy - Windsor
Medical Access Care Pharmacy - Woodstock
Medical Centre Pharmacy - Windsor
Medical Pharmacy - London - Oxford St W (Chelsey Park)
Medical Pharmacy - Stratford
Medical Place Health Solutions
Medical Place Pharmacy - Chatham
Medicenter Pharmacy
Medicine Shoppe (The) - London - Commissioners Rd W
Medicine Shoppe (The) - London - King St
Medicine Shoppe (The) - London - Wharncliffe Rd N (Asha)
Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy - Sarnia
Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy - Windsor
MediOne St Thomas Pharmacy
Medsave Pharmacy - London - Wharncliffe Rd N
Metro Pharmacy - London - Adelaide St N
Metro Pharmacy - London - Commissioners Rd W (Byron)
Metro Pharmacy - London - Wellington Rd S
Metro Pharmacy - Sarnia
Mitchell Medical Pharmacy
Mitton St Pharmacy
Morgan Your Pharmacy
My Care Pharmacy
Neighbourhood Drug Store
NKS Health - London
No Frills - Loblaw Pharmacy - London - Base Line Rd E (Gary's)
No Frills - Loblaw Pharmacy - London - Fanshawe Park Rd W
No Frills - Loblaw Pharmacy - London - Southdale Rd E (Cayle's)
No Frills - Loblaw Pharmacy - Owen Sound (Bergen's)
Nofrills Loblaw Pharmacy - Aylmer
North Centre Pharmacy London
North London Medical Pharmacy and Compounding Centre
Northgate Pharmacy
Northland Pharmacy - London
Novacare - Windsor - Walker Rd
Oak Street East Pharmacy
Old Town Pharmacy
Olde Walkerville Pharmacy Sulla Via - Windsor - Erie St E
Ottawa Street Pharmacy
Ouellette Avenue Pharmacy
Oxbury Pharmacy
Oxford Pharmacy
Parent Avenue Medical Pharmacy - Guardian Drugs
Paul Marley Pharmacy
Peninsula Pharmacy
PharmaChoice - (Family Health Pharmacy East)
PharmaChoice - Aylmer - Talbot St E (Hills Pharmacy)
PharmaChoice - Brussels
PharmaChoice - Clinton (K and J Pharmacy)
PharmaChoice - Drumbo
PharmaChoice - LaSalle (Malden Health Pharmacy)
PharmaChoice - Leamington (Central Drug Leamington)
PharmaChoice - London - Hamilton Rd (Ealing Pharmacy)
PharmaChoice - London - Main St E (Greenhills Pharmacy)
PharmaChoice - London Centre - Adelaide St
PharmaChoice - Milverton (Village Pharmacy)
PharmaChoice - Sarnia (Rapids)
PharmaChoice - Sarnia (Wellington Pharmacy)
PharmaChoice - St Thomas (Wellington Medical)
PharmaChoice - Stratford Medical Pharmacy
PharmaChoice - Tecumseh (Oasis)
PharmaChoice - Tillsonburg (Coward)
PharmaChoice - Walpole Island (Family Health Walpole)
PharmaChoice - West Elgin
PharmaChoice - Windsor (Howard Medical Pharmacy)
PharmaChoice - Windsor - 3691 Tecumseh Rd E (Central Mall)
PharmaChoice - Windsor - 5415 Tecumseh Rd E (Central Drug Mart)
PharmaChoice - Windsor - Park St W (Downtown Windsor Pharmacy)
PharmaChoice - Windsor - Tecumseh Rd E (Ziter Pharmacy)
PharmaChoice - Windsor - Tecumseh Rd W
PharmaChoice - Windsor - Wyandotte St E (Windsor River Pharmacy)
Pharmacy Corner - Woodstock
Pharmasave - Bayfield - Main St S (Michael's)
Pharmasave - Belle River
Pharmasave - Chatham
Pharmasave - Clinton (Michael's)
Pharmasave - Corunna
Pharmasave - Delhi - 105 Main St (Community Health Centre)
Pharmasave - Essex (Essex Pharma Care)
Pharmasave - Forest
Pharmasave - Glencoe
Pharmasave - Goderich (Michael's Pharmacy)
Pharmasave - Grand Bend
Pharmasave - Hanover Pharmacy
Pharmasave - Ingersoll
Pharmasave - Kincardine (Gordon)
Pharmasave - Lakeview Pharmacy
Pharmasave - Lasalle (Windsor Crossing)
Pharmasave - Listowel
Pharmasave - London - Adelaide St N
Pharmasave - London - Aldersbrook Rd (MedicalRx)
Pharmasave - London - Boler Rd
Pharmasave - London - Clarke Rd (ClarkeRx Pharmacy)
Pharmasave - London - Dundas St (Dundas St and Compounding Centre)
Pharmasave - London - Fanshawe Park Rd W (Fox Hollow)
Pharmasave - London - Glenroy Rd
Pharmasave - London - Highbury Ave N (Huron Heights)
Pharmasave - London - Richmond St
Pharmasave - London - Southdale Rd E (Nixon Pharmacy)
Pharmasave - London - Victoria St (Advanced Pharmacy)
Pharmasave - London - Wellington Rd S (Medcan)
Pharmasave - London - Wonderland Rd N (Oakridge)
Pharmasave - London - Wortley Rd
Pharmasave - Lucknow
Pharmasave - Muncey
Pharmasave - Norwich
Pharmasave - Owen Sound (Sally's Pharmacy)
Pharmasave - Owen Sound (Turbitt)
Pharmasave - Port Elgin (Wardrop)
Pharmasave - Port Rowan
Pharmasave - Ridgetown (Ridge Apothecary)
Pharmasave - St Thomas (Elgin Mall)
Pharmasave - Stratford
Pharmasave - Tecumseh (Tecumseh Medical Pharmacy)
Pharmasave - Thamesford
Pharmasave - Thornbury
Pharmasave - Tilbury Pharmacy
Pharmasave - Walkerton (Pellow's)
Pharmasave - Westside Pharmacy - Windsor - Huron Church Rd
Pharmasave - Windsor - Walker Rd
Pharmasave - Wingham (Brown's)
Pharmasave - Woodstock (Springbank Dispensary)
Pharmasave - Woodstock - Huron St (Dispensary)
Pharmasave - Woodstock - Ingersoll Ave (Dispensary)
Pharmasave - Woodstock General Hospital
Pharmasave Ilderton Medical
Pharmasave Komoka Kilworth Pharmacy and Compounding Centre
Pharmasave Sarnia
Phillbrook Pharmacy
Point Care Pharmacy (The)
Pond Mills Medical Pharmacy
Precise Pharmacy - London
PrinceRx - Stratford Pharmacy
Progressive Drug Mart - London - Dundas St E (Argyle)
Progressive Drug Mart - London - Huron St (Huron Heights)
Proudfoot Pharmacy
Provincial Pharmacy
Real Canadian Superstore - Loblaw Pharmacy - Chatham
Real Canadian Superstore - Loblaw Pharmacy - Leamington
Real Canadian Superstore - Loblaw Pharmacy - Sarnia - Murphy Rd
Real Canadian Superstore - Loblaw Pharmacy - Windsor - Dougall Ave
Real Canadian Superstore DRUGStore Pharmacy - London - Oxford St E
Real Canadian Superstore DRUGStore Pharmacy - London - Oxford St W
Real Canadian Superstore DRUGStore Pharmacy - St Thomas
Real Canadian Superstore DRUGStore Pharmacy - Strathroy
Remedy'sRx Pharmacy - Ingersoll
Remedy'sRx Pharmacy - Listowel
Remedy'sRx Pharmacy - London - Commissioners Rd W (Byron Community Pharmacy)
Remedy'sRx Pharmacy - London - Hyde Park Rd (Synergy)
Remedy'sRx Pharmacy - Sarnia (Wiltshire Pharmacy)
Remedy'sRx Pharmacy - Tara
Remedy'sRx Pharmacy - Teeswater
Remedy'sRx Pharmacy - Tillsonburg
Remedy'sRx Pharmacy - Wingham (Royal Oaks Pharmacy)
Remedy'sRx Pharmacy - Woodstock (All About Health)
Rexall Pharma Plus - Amherstburg (Rexall Specialty)
Rexall Pharma Plus - Chatham - McNaughton Ave W
Rexall Pharma Plus - Chatham - St Clair St
Rexall Pharma Plus - Goderich
Rexall Pharma Plus - Kincardine
Rexall Pharma Plus - London - Adelaide St N (Stoneybrook)
Rexall Pharma Plus - London - Beaverbrook Ave
Rexall Pharma Plus - London - Commissioners Rd W (Byron)
Rexall Pharma Plus - London - Dundas St E
Rexall Pharma Plus - London - Ernest Ave (White Oaks)
Rexall Pharma Plus - London - Highbury Ave N
Rexall Pharma Plus - London - Hyde Park Rd
Rexall Pharma Plus - London - Oxford St E
Rexall Pharma Plus - Owen Sound - 2nd Ave E
Rexall Pharma Plus - Owen Sound - 9th Ave E
Rexall Pharma Plus - Port Elgin
Rexall Pharma Plus - Wallaceburg
Rexall Pharmacy - Chesley
Rexall Pharmacy - Hanover
Rexall Pharmacy - LaSalle (LaSalle Town Centre)
Rexall Pharmacy - Leamington
Rexall Pharmacy - Meaford (Muxlow Pharmacy)
Rexall Pharmacy - Owen Sound - 1st Ave W
Rexall Pharmacy - Sarnia
Rexall Pharmacy - Southampton (DeLong's)
Rexall Pharmacy - Windsor - 1215 Ouellette Ave
Rexall Pharmacy - Windsor - 1454 Ouellette Ave
Rexall Pharmacy - Windsor - Howard Ave
Rexall Pharmacy - Woodstock - Dundas St
Rexall Pharmacy - Woodstock - Springbank Ave N
Richmond Pharmacy - Chatham
Richmond Rx Pharmacy
Ripley Pharmacy
Riverbend Pharmacy
Riverside Pharmacare Drug Mart
Rob's Pharmacy - LaSalle
Royal Drugs
Sarnia Pharmacy
Serenity Medical Pharmacy
Shoppers Drug Mart - Amherstburg - Sandwich St S
Shoppers Drug Mart - Belle River - Notre Dame St
Shoppers Drug Mart - Blenheim
Shoppers Drug Mart - Brights Grove
Shoppers Drug Mart - Chatham - Grand Ave W
Shoppers Drug Mart - Chatham - Queen St
Shoppers Drug Mart - Chatham - St Clair St (Nortown Shopping Centre)
Shoppers Drug Mart - Corunna - Lyndoch St
Shoppers Drug Mart - Dorchester
Shoppers Drug Mart - Essex - Talbot St S
Shoppers Drug Mart - Grand Bend
Shoppers Drug Mart - Hanover
Shoppers Drug Mart - Harrow
Shoppers Drug Mart - Ingersoll
Shoppers Drug Mart - Kincardine
Shoppers Drug Mart - Kingsville - Main St E
Shoppers Drug Mart - LaSalle - Malden Rd
Shoppers Drug Mart - Leamington
Shoppers Drug Mart - Listowel
Shoppers Drug Mart - London - 1118 Adelaide St N
Shoppers Drug Mart - London - 1155 Commissioners Rd E (Pond Mills)
Shoppers Drug Mart - London - 1186 Oxford St W
Shoppers Drug Mart - London - 1224 Commissioners Rd W (Byron)
Shoppers Drug Mart - London - 1680 Richmond St N (CF Masonville Place)
Shoppers Drug Mart - London - 301 Oxford St W (Cherryhill Village Mall)
Shoppers Drug Mart - London - 431 Richmond St
Shoppers Drug Mart - London - 530 Commissioners Rd W
Shoppers Drug Mart - London - 645 Commissioners Rd E
Shoppers Drug Mart - London - 759 Adelaide St N
Shoppers Drug Mart - London - 900 Adelaide St S
Shoppers Drug Mart - London - Clarke Rd
Shoppers Drug Mart - London - Colonel Talbot Rd
Shoppers Drug Mart - London - Dundas St E (Eastown)
Shoppers Drug Mart - London - Fanshawe Park Rd W
Shoppers Drug Mart - London - Hamilton Rd
Shoppers Drug Mart - London - Huron St (Huron Heights)
Shoppers Drug Mart - London - Southdale Rd E
Shoppers Drug Mart - London - Wellington Rd (White Oaks Mall)
Shoppers Drug Mart - London - Wharncliffe Rd S (Wharncliffe Plaza)
Shoppers Drug Mart - London - Wonderland Rd N (Sherwood Forest Mall)
Shoppers Drug Mart - London - Wonderland Rd S
Shoppers Drug Mart - Norwich - Pharmacy Services
Shoppers Drug Mart - Owen Sound - 10th St W
Shoppers Drug Mart - Owen Sound - 16th St E
Shoppers Drug Mart - Port Elgin
Shoppers Drug Mart - Ridgetown - Main St W
Shoppers Drug Mart - Sarnia - Exmouth St
Shoppers Drug Mart - Sarnia - Indian Rd
Shoppers Drug Mart - Sarnia - Michigan Ave
Shoppers Drug Mart - Sarnia - Mitton St S (Mccordic)
Shoppers Drug Mart - St Thomas - Edward St
Shoppers Drug Mart - St Thomas - First Ave (Elmwood Square)
Shoppers Drug Mart - St Thomas - Talbot St W
Shoppers Drug Mart - Stratford - Huron St
Shoppers Drug Mart - Stratford - Ontario St
Shoppers Drug Mart - Strathroy
Shoppers Drug Mart - Tecumseh
Shoppers Drug Mart - Tilbury
Shoppers Drug Mart - Tillsonburg
Shoppers Drug Mart - Wallaceburg (Spalding)
Shoppers Drug Mart - Windsor - 11500 Tecumseh Rd E
Shoppers Drug Mart - Windsor - 1675 Wyandotte St W (Westown in Windsor)
Shoppers Drug Mart - Windsor - 2670 Tecumseh Rd W
Shoppers Drug Mart - Windsor - 4835 Wyandotte St E
Shoppers Drug Mart - Windsor - 500 Tecumseh Rd E (Golden Mile Windsor)
Shoppers Drug Mart - Windsor - 5050 Tecumseh Rd E
Shoppers Drug Mart - Windsor - 7720 Tecumseh Rd E
Shoppers Drug Mart - Windsor - Dougall Ave (Pharmacy Dere)
Shoppers Drug Mart - Windsor - Grand Marais Rd W
Shoppers Drug Mart - Windsor - Howard Ave (Devonshire Mall Pharmacy)
Shoppers Drug Mart - Windsor - Huron Church Rd
Shoppers Drug Mart - Windsor - Menard St (Wyandotte in Windsor)
Shoppers Drug Mart - Windsor - Ottawa St
Shoppers Drug Mart - Windsor - Ouellette Ave
Shoppers Drug Mart - Windsor - Seminole St
Shoppers Drug Mart - Woodstock - 333 Dundas St
Shoppers Drug Mart - Woodstock - 959 Dundas St
Shoppers Simply Pharmacy - Lasalle - Front Rd
Shoppers Simply Pharmacy - Windsor - Walker Rd
SMG Pharmacy
Sobeys Pharmacy - Lakeshore (St Clair Beach)
Specialty Rx (SRX Pharmacy)
Springbank Pharmacy
St Joseph's Health Care London - St Joseph's Hospital - Prescription Shop
St Thomas Medical Pharmacy
Stewart's Pharmacy
Stoney Creek Pharmacy
Strathroy Medical Pharmacy
Student Centre Pharmacy
Suncare Pharmacy
Sunset Pharmacy
Tamimi Remedy's Rx
Tecumseh Byng Pharmacy
Thames Valley Pharmacy
Thamesville Pharmacy and Methadone Clinic
Thorndale Pharmacy
TMC Pharmacy
TMC Pharmacy - Tecumseh
Totten Pharmacy - Windsor
Trillium Medical Pharmacy
Trinity Pharmacy
Trusty Care Pharmacy
Turner Drug Store
Twin Oaks Pharmacy
Ultima Apothecary
Ultimate Care Compounding
United Supermarket Pharmacy
University Pharmacy - Books Plus Pharmacy
University Pharmacy - Fanshawe Student Centre Pharmacy
University Pharmacy - Western On-Campus Pharmacy
Valor Health Compounding Pharmacy
Vidal Pharmacy
Walker Centre IDA Pharmacy
Wallaceburg Pharmacy
Walmart Pharmacy - Amherstburg
Walmart Pharmacy - Chatham
Walmart Pharmacy - Goderich
Walmart Pharmacy - Hanover
Walmart Pharmacy - Leamington
Walmart Pharmacy - Listowel
Walmart Pharmacy - London - Clarke Rd (Argyle Mall)
Walmart Pharmacy - London - Fanshawe Park Rd W (Hyde Park)
Walmart Pharmacy - London - Highbury Ave N (Northland Mall)
Walmart Pharmacy - London - Wellington Rd S (White Oaks Mall)
Walmart Pharmacy - Owen Sound
Walmart Pharmacy - Port Elgin
Walmart Pharmacy - Sarnia
Walmart Pharmacy - St Thomas
Walmart Pharmacy - Stratford
Walmart Pharmacy - Strathroy
Walmart Pharmacy - Tillsonburg
Walmart Pharmacy - Wallaceburg
Walmart Pharmacy - Windsor - Dougall Ave
Walmart Pharmacy - Windsor - Tecumseh Rd E
Walmart Pharmacy - Woodstock
We Care Pharmacy - Met Campus
We Care Pharmacy Ouellette - Windsor (Windsor Regional Hospital Ouellette Campus)
Wellness Pharmacy
Wellness Pharmacy and Walk-In Clinic
West End Pharmacy - Stratford
West Tecumseh Pharmacy
Wharncliffe Pharmacy
Whole Health - Durham Apothecary
Wilkins Pharmacy
Windsor Avenue Pharmacy
Wyandotte Pharmacy
Yee Pharmacy
Yurek Pharmacy and Home Healthcare - London
Yurek Pharmacy and Home Healthcare - St Thomas
Zehrs - Loblaw Pharmacy - Goderich
Zehrs - Loblaw Pharmacy - Kingsville
Zehrs - Loblaw Pharmacy - Lasalle
Zehrs - Loblaw Pharmacy - Owen Sound
Zehrs - Loblaw Pharmacy - St Clair Beach
Zehrs - Loblaw Pharmacy - Windsor - Tecumseh Rd E
Zehrs DRUGStore Pharmacy - Stratford
Zehrs DRUGStore Pharmacy - Woodstock
Zurich Pharmacy
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