Dispensing fee plus medication costs * prescribed medications may be covered by OHIP
Meera Venugopal - Owner and Pharmacy Manager
English ; Malayalam ; Tamil
Area(s) Served
Owen Sound and area
Partially Accessible
Description of Services:
General pharmacy
free prescription delivery in Owen Sound
medication placed in blister packs (sealed,
push-through packaging used to separate doses) at no extra cost
ostomy supplies
treatment and prescription of medications for common medical ailments,
including rashes, pink eye, insect bites, acne, and urinary tract
free seasonal flu vaccines
vaccination services - COVID-19, Hepatitis A and
B, Pneumococcal Infections, Shingles, RSV
dispenses methadone and suboxone
free take-home naloxone kits (emergency response kits
for opioid overdose)
GB Works Needle Syringe Program - needles and other
injection drug supplies provided and accepted for disposal * offered in
partnership with Grey Bruce Health Unit
prescription and non-prescription compression
stockings, with certified fitter available on site
MedsCheck - Appointments to review complex prescriptions with a
Sharps Disposal Program - Safe disposal of syringes, pen needles,
lancets, insulin pump infusion supplies, and test strips
Pharmacy Smoking Cessation Program - Help to quit smoking,
available for Ontario Drug Benefit recipients