Ontario Health atHome - Chatham
180 Riverview Drive, Box 306
Chatham, ON
N7M 5K4
Toll-Free: 1-888-447-4468
Fax: 519-351-5842
Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm
Last update: Feb 23, 2024: Suggest an edit
Call * no referral required for most services * referral through school for in-school services

Eligibility - Population(s) Served
People of all ages who are facing the challenges of age, illness, injury, or disability

Covered by OHIP

Cathy Kelly - Vice President, Ontario Health atHome

English ; French

Language Note
French website

W_wheelchair.gif Wheelchair Accessible

Description of Services:
Health care services offered at home, at school, and in the community, as well as access to supported living programs and long-term care * care coordinators work with people in the community or leaving the hospital to determine what help is needed and arrange for care

Services may include:
  • nursing
  • nurse practitioner
  • personal support
  • physiotherapy and occupational therapy
  • speech and language therapy
  • social work
  • nutrition and food counselling (dietitians)
  • palliative care
  • medical supplies and equipment
  • access to long-term care homes
  • access to supported living (adult day programs, supportive housing, retirement homes and assisted living)
  • health support in the school
  • specialized services for people living with specific health conditions
  • referral to other community supports

Information and Referral - thehealthline.ca provides online access to health care information and services in Ontario, or call the referral phone services at 310-2222
  • Care Connector Program Refers people through the Health Care Connect program who do not have a doctor to a family health care provider who may be accepting new patients * once registered, program participants are assigned to a Care Connector employed by the Ontario Health atHome * Care Connectors work with family doctors and nurse practitioners who are accepting new patients
  • Children's Health Support Services Assess and coordinate access to professional health care services such as nursing, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech-language therapy, dietetic and personal support services for children with special needs who require assistance in the school setting
  • In-Home Services Services may include personal support, nursing, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech-language therapy, social work, dietetic services, case management/coordination, medical supplies and dressings, hospital sickroom equipment, laboratory and diagnostic services, determination for drug coverage under the Ontario Drug Benefit (ODB) Plan * in-home respite care services available based upon eligibility
  • Mental Health and Addiction Nurses Assessments, interventions, education and support to students and families with mental health and or addiction issues * consultation with school staff in regards to mental health or addiction issues as appropriate
  • Placement Services Access to health care support at home, at school, or in the community * care coordinators work with people in the community or leaving hospital to determine what help is needed and arrange for care * care is provided in community settings such as the home, school, residential facility or Ontario Health atHome community clinic * referral to other community services when appropriate
  • Telehomecare Six-month virtual home health care for patients with mild to moderate Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) or Chronic Heart Failure (CHF) * patients are provided with equipment for in-home self-monitoring * telehomecare clinicians provide remote assistance to coach and teach health information, and help patients change behaviours to improve self-management of their conditions
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Last update: Feb 23, 2024: Suggest an edit