Call * accepts self-referrals, referrals from health professionals, school resource teams and from community agencies
Eligibility - Population(s) Served
Children and youth in schools who may have mild to complex mental health or substance use disorder issues * students who are transitioning back to school from the hospital or other care setting
Covered by OHIP
Cathy Kelly - Vice President, Home and Community Care
Language Note
French website
Area(s) Served
Erie St. Clair
Wheelchair Accessible
Description of Services:
Assessments, interventions, education and support to students and families with mental health and or addiction issues * consultation with school staff in regards to mental health or addiction issues as appropriate
Supports may include:
one-on-one meetings
short-term therapy
help understand medications
help in transitioning back to school from a hospital or other health institution
connecting to mental health and addictions services in the community
Our Vision: Outstanding Care-Every Person, Every Day
Our Mission:
To deliver a seamless experience through the health system for people in our diverse communities, providing equitable access, individualized care coordination and quality health care.