Call 519-659-2273 ext 22267 to pre-register for classes * call for more information or to be assessed
Eligibility - Population(s) Served
Adults 55 years and older
Area(s) Served
Strathroy and Adelaide-Metcalfe (Rural Middlesex)
Partially Accessible
Accessibility Note
Some class sites are wheelchair accessible * call for specifics
Description of Services:
Group exercise and falls prevention classes for older adults and people with mobility issues and chronic conditions * aims to improve strength and balance to prevent injury and falls
Classes are instructed by volunteers and staff trained in the VON SMARTĀ® (Seniors Maintaining Active Roles Together) program
There are 3 levels of classes:
Low Mobility
offered in retirement homes (may be open to community members)
designed to support improvement for those with limited mobility
classes are primarily seated with standing components as tolerated
Mid Mobility
offered in community and retirement settings
designed for those with a moderate level of ability
class is a mix of both standing and seated components
High Mobility
offered in community settings
designed for those with a moderate to vigorous level of ability
provides the option to participate at a higher level of intensity
All participants must be pre-registered for classes before attending * drop-ins not accepted at this time
Classes are being offered in person in some regions, as well as virtually * please contact VON office for more details Locations: