Windsor Family Homes; Community Partnerships - Kids First Food Bank - Community Family Fitness Centre
900 Howard Ave
Windsor, ON
N9A 1S5
Last update: Jun 11, 2024: Suggest an edit
Eligibility - Population(s) Served
Low-income individuals and families

English ; French ; Chinese (Mandarin) ; Hindi

Area(s) Served

W_wheelchair.gif Wheelchair Accessible

Description of Services:
Provide, safe, clean, affordable and accessible housing to those in need in Windsor and Essex County. The Organization works collaboratively with community partners to maintain and facilitate successful tenancies and eradicate homelessness while providing food, shelter and support programs.

Programs Include:
  • Kids First Food Bank
  • Kids First Day Camps
  • Kids First Programs (sport, recreation)
  • Adopt-a-Family
  • Community Family Fitness Centre - a social enterprise venture by WFHCP. Profits from the facility are intended to create and sustain support programs for clients of WFHCP. This includes health, wellness, sport, fitness, art, food security and more; all delivered to those in need with financial barriers, at no cost.
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About Us

Windsor Family Homes & Community Partnerships exists to provide, safe, clean, affordable and accessible housing to those in need in Windsor and Essex County. The Organization strives to work collaboratively with community partners to maintain and facilitate successful tenancies and eradicate homelessness while providing food, shelter and support programs.

Last update: Jun 11, 2024: Suggest an edit