Call * registration required
Eligibility - Population(s) Served
Assessment will determine appropriate services
Carolyn Warkentin - Executive Director
South Essex Community Council
519-326-8629 ext 320 *
Stephen Gard - Manager of Programs & Development
South Essex Community Council
519-326-8629 x.365 *
Laura Fanjoy-Santos - Department Coordinator, Settlement Services
South Essex Community Council
English ; French ; Arabic ; Spanish ; Burmese
Language Note
French website
Area(s) Served
Leamington and area

Wheelchair Accessible
Description of Services:
A comprehensive range of settlement services including: needs assessment, settlement plan development, form filling, one-to-one counselling and information and referral services
Language services include classroom instruction and one-to-one tutoring * Free on-site childcare is available to those who qualify * Registration and formal language assessment is required for all LINC (Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada) classes
English speaking adults can attend Adult Literacy classes and improve reading, writing, basic math and digital literacy through one-to-one tutoring or small group instruction
Other services include:
- Citizenship Classes
- Translation Services
- Commissioning and Declaration Services
- Welcoming Communities - building community connections through social activities
- High School to Community Support Transition Program
- Newcomer Youth Group
- Spark After School Program
- Cultural Competency Training - for employers, businesses and other interested groups roup