A one level structure, all areas are accessible by wheelchair. Parking is available, automatic doors and ramps are in place.
Description of Services:
Rehabilitation team helps to cope with vision loss and the frustrations that can occur * referrals to professionals in the community when long-term counselling is necessary
Provides access to rehabilitation, counselling, training, innovative consumer products, peer support, libraries and educational resources for people with print disabilities
Independent Living Skills
Promotes independence for people with vision loss by developing daily living skills such as safe cooking, personal hygiene, banking, Braille and computer technology *demonstrations and consultation about the availability, selection, use and purchase of technical aids and adaptive devices
Low Vision Services
Assistance to optimize optical and non-optical low-vision aids * educates clients and community on various eye conditions * offers demonstrations and consultation about the availability, selection, use, and purchase of technical aids and adaptive devices
Orientation and Mobility
One-on-one instruction based on level of vision, age, and personal goals * focus is on being able to move around safely and independently in the home, supermarket or neighbourhood
Vision Loss Rehabilitation Canada (VLRC) is a not-for-profit national healthcare organization and the leading provider of rehabilitation therapy and healthcare services for individuals with vision loss.