Dorothy's Daughter - Help At Home
c/o Barb Ortellii
Bayfield, ON
N0M 1G0
Mon-Fri 8am-6pm
Last update: Dec 2, 2024: Suggest an edit
Eligibility - Population(s) Served
Senior and elderly adults and adults with physical challenges

Set fees

Barb Ortelli - Owner


Area(s) Served
Approx 1/2 hour radius from Bayfield - further for 4 hrs or more

Description of Services:
Assistance with daily chores, such as laundry, light housekeeping, heavy-duty cleaning, windows in and out, closet reorganizing, errands, yard work and meal preparation

Visits can include help with hobbies, playing cards, board games, photo organizing, recording childhood memories (written or audio), walking partner, and more

Service is offered weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or seasonally.


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About Us

I saw how my mom struggled with Alzheimer's for years. In that time, I considered it my privilege to help whenever possible. Then caring for my dad in my home for nearly 8 years until his final breath, I know first-hand the challenges life brings to my elders, and how the simplest things can become much more difficult to do. I wish I could still be doing things for my mom around the house. So, in her honor, I want to help make your world a little bit brighter and your load a little bit lighter.

Last update: Dec 2, 2024: Suggest an edit