Sessions beginning in October, January and April:
Life Choices & Choices Jr. & Sr., TAG, Thrive & STAGE
Helps youth improve communication, decision-making,
goal-setting and learn social skills to help them achieve
their full potential
Spectrum is an inclusive drop-in open to all lesbian,
gay, bisexual, transgender ,two-spirit and questioning
2SLGBTQIA+youthinSarnia-Lambton in person and
virtual Wednesdays.
Providing emergency basic essentials, one on one
supports and community partner referrals.
2:30-7PM weekdays
All ages Friday
PASS (Positive Alternative to School Suspension)
An alternative to home suspension offered to youth in
grades four through twelve. Focusing on developing
positive skills while ensuring academic progress.
Programs referrals to be made by school administration.
Currently taking housing support referrals for the
transitional housing building, Ohana Landing.
COUNTY PROGRAMS Providing in person and virtual support for youth residing in Lambton County.
STAND The Stand Program utilizes private sessions to provide therapeutic support and early intervention for youth individually or while awaiting group programming.
YOUTH IN TRANSITION In person and virtual supports for youth transitioning out of the care of the Children's Aid Society, connecting to community supports.
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS Meeting virtually weekly on Thursdays, youth are given the opportunity to explore a fantasy world of their own creation. Each adventure is designed by and crafted for their benefit learning team management, communication, social skills, and more.
REBOUND ROCKS Rebound Rocks provides youth with skilled volunteer mentors who help guide them in creating a rock band, assisting and encouraging them to achieve their full potential.
THE CINDERELLA PROJECT Provides formal attire, accessories & more, free of charge to youth who are unable to purchase their own Prom and Graduation. Yearly boutique held in the spring.
*COMING THIS FALL* Intersectionality to Inclusivity is a drop-in program to support racialized youth and allies aged 8-24 and create connections to community. Group meet on rotating Thursdays in person.