Administers programs which support vulnerable people. Can provide food and household items as needed. Works cooperatively with other community services * application site for North Perth Sports for Kids, Canadian Tire JUMPSTART and Feline Friends * Ontario Electricity Support Program application centre * access centre to apply for LEAP (Low Income Energy Assistance Program) one-time emergency financial assistance * free tax preparation clinic under the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program through Revenue Canada. Also Food Explores food and nutrition program for kids 9-11 registration required.
Community and Family Services - Emergency assistance provided in the form of clothing, food, emergency transportation and emergency household items.
Housing Support/Budget Management Program - provides support to persons experiencing homelessness * assists persons/families to resolve financial issues and work towards financial independence * call for appointment.
Seasonal Services - Christmas hampers, food and toys, registration required in November (verification of income and address required - pick up appointment set) * toy donations accepted throughout the year * summer camp program * Backpack for kids, registration required in July.
Services and Programs: