Lifeline Canada
95 Barber Greene Rd, Suite 105
Toronto, ON
M3C 3E9
1-800-543-3546 (1-800 LIFELINE)
Fax: 1-800-313-9764
Daily 24 hours
Administration: Mon-Fri 8am-8pm
Last update: Feb 13, 2025: Suggest an edit
Call 1-800-LIFELINE (1-800-543-3546) or visit website for more details

Eligibility - Population(s) Served
People at risk of falls * with chronic conditions * with mobility problems * with visual impairments * recovering after discharge from hospital

One-time Installation fee * Monthly fee includes rental, maintenance, monitoring

English ; French ; Many other languages

Language Note
Multiple languages offered

Area(s) Served

W_wheelchair.gif Wheelchair Accessible

Description of Services:
Personal emergency response service is designed to help maintain independence and call for help in an emergency

Lifeline is an easy-to-use medical alert service that lets you summon help any time of the day or night, even if you unable to speak * press your Personal Help Button, worn on a wristband or pendant, and Personal Response Associate will ensure you receive help quickly

An AutoAlert Fall Detection can automatically call for help if it detects a fall, even if the subscriber is unable to press the button * cannot prevent falls but it can prevent long lie time

HomeSafe with AutoAlert wireless option available and Go Safe, the mobile alert system that gives you gives you the freedom to go where you want, when you want
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How GoSafe Works

About Us

Lifeline has partnered with more than 400 hospitals, community agencies, and senior living facilities in Canada * Lifeline is committed to enabling a world where aging adults and other vulnerable populations are empowered to live graciously and well at home for as long as possible

Last update: Feb 13, 2025: Suggest an edit