152 Josephine St, Box 130
Wingham, ON
N0G 2W0
Fax: 519-357-4930
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 9am-12pm & 1pm-3:30pm
Last update: Sep 19, 2024: Suggest an edit
Drop-in for most services

Employment Planning and Preparation and Job Development and Placement Support - Youth and adults 16-24 years, out of school and out of work, and not receiving Employment Insurance benefits

Wage Subsidy - Youth and adults 15-30 years, out of school, not receiving Employment Insurance benefits

Eligibility - Population(s) Served
Youth and adults 15-30 years


Kendra Brohman - Principal of Adult and Alternative Education
519-524-2515 x 2015


Area(s) Served
Wingham and area

W_wheelchair.gif Wheelchair Accessible

Description of Services:
Helps people find and keep employment * access to technology and computer-based information * help to develop Employment Action Plan * advice and referral to other community services and supports

Job Development - Identifies hidden job opportunities * works with employers and job seekers to find right fit for long term employment

Job Matching, Placement and Incentives (JMPI) - Supports employers to offset training and hiring costs while assisting job seekers gain experience and skills

Better Jobs Ontario - Financial support to eligible laid-off workers to upgrade their skills for employment * can provide up to $28,000 to support tuition, travel, books, and other training-related costs * funds may be available for people with disabilities and people who need help to pay for academic upgrading, the costs of living away from home, or child care * training must lead to certificate or diploma * can be part-time or online

Apprenticeship Scholarship- $1000 to support individuals who require upgrading to meet academic eligibility for apprenticeship training * must meet eligibility requirements and complete the Apprenticeship Scholarship application * $2000 Apprenticeship Employer Signing Bonus available to eligible employers

Reach for Success - Work experience project * provides 4 week paid employability skills workshop series followed by 8 weeks of paid work experience for youth 15-30, out of school to gain workplace skills and experience * must be eligible to work in Canada
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Last update: Sep 19, 2024: Suggest an edit