Strong Minds Strong Kids
3219 Yonge Street, Suite 228
Toronto, ON
M4N 3S1
Daily 24 hours
Last update: Feb 13, 2025: Suggest an edit
Self referral via telephone or e-mail

Eligibility - Population(s) Served
No restrictions

Anne Lovegrove - President and Executive Director
416-644-4944 ext 201 *

English ; French

Language Note
French programs offered * French website

Area(s) Served

Description of Services:
Mental Health programs and resources for children, parents and caregivers

Services include:
  • Make The Connection Program - assists parents and caregivers in strengthening their relationship with their child from birth to three years
  • Kids Have Stress Too! - program helps parents, caregivers and educators understand childhood stress and how to provide children with the tools to deal with stress effectively
  • stress lessons – free resource designed to help parents and caregivers teach children how to manage stress
  • stress strategies –free online coaching tool designed to help with stress management
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New Brand Strong Minds Strong Kids

About Us

Our name has changed to Strong Minds Strong Kids and we have renewed and deepened our commitment to promoting the mental well-being of children and youth in Canada. What remains the same is our dedication to nurturing resilience in kids with the use of psychological science so they can manage, learn, and grow from the many challenges in life. Please join us to ensure that every child in Canada has the opportunity to thrive.

Last update: Feb 13, 2025: Suggest an edit