Community Employment Choices - Integrated Employment Services
16 B Second St
Strathroy, ON
N7G 3H8
519-245-4500 ext 200
Toll-Free: 1-888-478-2111 ext 200
Fax: 519-245-4507
Mon-Fri 9am-4:30pm
Last update: Jul 18, 2024: Suggest an edit
Call or drop-in * for general information on Employment Ontario services call the toll-free Employment Ontario contact centre at 1-800-387-5656 (TTY 1-866-533-6339) or visit

Eligibility - Population(s) Served
Self-service information and resources - Anyone, including people with jobs, those who are under-employed, people looking for work, students, apprentices, internationally trained individuals, employers

Assisted services (such as supported job search, job matching and placement, job retention services) - People who are unemployed and out of school

Youth Job Connection - Ontario residents 15-29 years who are eligible to work in Canada, unemployed, not attending school full time and experiencing multiple barriers to employment

Youth Job Connection Summer - Ontario residents 15-18 years who intend to continue high school or go on to postsecondary education after the job placement * focus on those facing challenging life circumstances and at risk of experiencing poor transitions between education and work

All Services Available at No Cost on behalf of Employment Ontario through London Regional Employment Services

Julie Bullock - Operations Manager
519-245-4500 ext 201 *
Cassie Hodgins - Employment Services Manager
519-245-4500 ext 213 *


Area(s) Served
Middlesex County

W_wheelchair.gif Wheelchair Accessible

Description of Services:
Comprehensive employment and job search services * assessment of skills, interests and experience * job search strategies, including resume preparation * information about careers and occupations, local labour market, employment and training opportunities * on-the-job training, work experience * help in maintaining employment * information and referral to other employment and community services

Better Jobs Ontario - Skills training and financial support for laid-off workers

Services for employers - Help in identifying human resource skills requirements * matching of workplace needs to workers' skills, capabilities, interests and experience * support for developing on-the-job training plans and monitoring of placements to support retention

Canada-Ontario Job Grant - Financial support for individual employers to purchase training for their employees * available to small, medium and large businesses planning to deliver short-term training for existing or new employees
Visiting offices located in Dorchester, Glencoe, Lucan, Parkhill, Komoka, Mount Brydges, Newbury, Wardsville, and Thorndale


Getting Started

About Us

We are knowledgeable professionals serving job seekers and employers in Middlesex County dedicated to improving the economic health of our community. We believe in the potential of individuals who are engaged in the working life of this region.

Last update: Jul 18, 2024: Suggest an edit