Martin Cadieux - President Mélina Leroux - Executive Director
Language Note
French reception, programs, publications, and website
Area(s) Served
Description of Services:
Advocacy for its members as students, youth, and Franco-Ontarians by holding seats on various government committees * provides access to fully francophone activities, workshops, media and culture
Stage franco-ontarien de formation en leadership (SFOFEL) - Leadership training courses
Franco-Ontarian Games - Youth display their talents in eight fields
Ta région, ton impact ! - Regional forums with roundtables and workshops to help students organize Francophone clubs and activities within their schools
Francophone Youth Parliament of Ontario (PJFO) - Francophone students from across Ontario gather in the provincial capital to simulate parliamentary sessions
About Us
Plusieurs activités de la FESFO visent à faire découvrir l'identité franco-ontarienne et à combattre l'assimilation tout en outillant les jeunes leaders de tous les coins de l'Ontario.