All claims are made by filing a federal income tax return and completing the Ontario Tax Credit form Ministry of Revenue Tax Office representatives are available by appointment only - Call for more information or to make an appointment
Eligibility - Population(s) Served
English ; French
Language Note
French reception, programs, publications, and website
Area(s) Served
Wheelchair Accessible
Description of Services:
Administers the tax credit and grant programs
Ontario Trillium Benefit - Benefit for people eligible for Ontario Sales Tax Credit, Ontario Energy and Property Tax Credit and Northern Ontario Energy Credit * helps low- to moderate-income people and Northern residents with energy costs, sales and property taxes
Ontario Senior Homeowners' Property Tax Grant - Up to $500 provided to help older adults with property taxes
See website for additional tax credit and grant programs
Ontario Child Benefit
Monthly benefit to help with child care costs for low-income to moderate-income families with children * parents may be working or not * apply annually by filing income tax return for the previous year
Ontario Guaranteed Annual Income System
Income supplement to older adults who also qualify for federal Old Age Security and Guaranteed Income Supplement Programs