Description of Services:
Ontarians find sustainable employment * assessment of skills, capabilities,
interests and experience * job search strategies, including resume preparation
* successful interview techniques* information about different careers and
occupations, the local labour market, employment and training opportunities *
Access to training programs for credentials or upskilling* support with
clothes, tools and equipment to start employment*on-the-job training and/or
work experience and, in some cases, additional support to help maintain
employment * information about all Employment Ontario programs and services *
access to Better Jobs Ontario program to provide individuals with skills
training for high-demand occupations * Student Employment Centre May-September
* information about, and referral to, other community services and supports
Additional points of access to service (contact
main office to book an appointment):
Plattsville Public Library - Tuesdays 9am-12pm
Thamesford Public Library - Tuesdays 1pm-4pm
Tavistock Public Library - Wednesdays 9am-12pm
Princeton Public Library - Wednesdays 1pm-4pm