Personal care services - 3 hour minimum; Nursing - case by case
Sara Cusenza - Director of Growth and Operations: Southwestern Ontario 226-216-2485 ext 37311 * Cherie Cowell - Lifestyle Advisor 519-503-8555 *
English ; French
Language Note
French service for inquiries and requests; French speaking caregivers, registered nurses, registered practical nurses and personal support workers; French resources (videos, pamphlets, etc.); diverse ethnic care givers
Area(s) Served
Elgin, Middlesex, and Oxford
Wheelchair Accessible
Description of Services:
Nursing Services - Registered nurses and registered practical nurses provide nursing care according to a care plan including medication administration, chronic disease management, wound care, palliative care.
Personal Support Services - Care provided according to a care plan including support with activities of daily living, personal care, medication reminders.
Home Support Services - Non-personal care such as escort to appointments, shopping, companionship and light housekeeping.
Our nursing, personal care, home support and companionship services are available privately as well as through personal and group insurance plans and workplace safety insurance.