For questions, contact Nancy Docherty at 519-668-0023x 1126 or to register for services in other Counties: London Middlesex: 519-673-6617 Oxford: 1-888-866-7518 Grey Bruce: 1-833-659-5491 Huron Perth: 1-844-482-7800 Elgin: 1-888-866-7527
Eligibility - Population(s) Served
Be a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant at least 18 years of age and have an acquired brain injury, including traumatic brain injury and non traumatic brain injuries such as results from infection, anoxia, aneurysm, tumor and stroke * must have valid Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) card * must have free will commitment to rehabilitation and/or participation in Dale Brain Injury Services programs * serious medical issues must be stabilized
Varies per program * services are covered by Government funding for most clients * cost of rent, food, personal items not covered for those living in a residential program
Sue Hillis - Executive Director
519-668-0023 ext 1101 *
Nancy Docherty - Clinical Administrative Assistant
519-668-0023 ext 1126 *
English ; French
Language Note
Interpretation available upon request
Area(s) Served
Grey County, Perth County, Bruce County, Elgin County, Huron County, Middlesex County, and Oxford County

Wheelchair Accessible