Rehabilitation Services - Social Work, Speech Therapy, Physio Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Recreational Therapy
South Building, Upper Fl
189 Elm St
St Thomas, ON
N5R 5C4
519-631-2030 ext 2330
Fax: 519-631-1825
Administration: Mon-Fri 8am-4pm
Emergencies: Daily 24 hours
Last update: Aug 23, 2023: Suggest an edit
Medical referral required * access coordinated through Ontario Health atHome South West area

Eligibility - Population(s) Served
Must meet Ontario Health atHome South West area criteria

Most services are covered by OHIP


Language Note
Interpretation services available upon request

Area(s) Served
St.Thomas and Elgin County

W_wheelchair.gif Wheelchair Accessible

Description of Services:
Rehabilitation program offers inpatients a two-week trial to help meet specific goals for discharge home or to another level of care * focuses on falls prevention and home safety education to help patients function as independently as possible

Inpatient Rehabilitation Services include:
  • Social Work - Counsellors may provide general and specialized counselling services to patients
  • Speech Therapy - Speech-Language Pathologists assess and treat speech and language difficulties * promotes effective communication with a focus on individual strengths * program may also assess and treat swallowing dysfunction
  • Physiotherapy - Physiotherapists, through teaching, training and practice, works with patients to help with balance, endurance, strength, walking, stairs, functional movement and education related to individual goals
  • Occupational Therapy - Occupational Therapists assess a patient's self care skills, ability to plan and carry out activities independently, and determine any equipment needs
  • Recreational Therapy - Therapeutic Recreationists work with patients to assess social and leisure needs * helps rebuild balance and strength so each patient can accomplish their personal recreation and leisure goals


Rehabilitation Programs in the South West

Last update: Aug 23, 2023: Suggest an edit