Victorian Order of Nurses - Oxford
550 Ingersoll Ave
Woodstock, ON
N4S 4Y3
Central Intake Coordinator: 1-888-866-7518
Toll-Free: 1-888-641-5197
Fax: 519-539-2926
Administration : Mon-Fri 8am-4pm
Last update: Feb 25, 2025: Suggest an edit
Call * no referral required

Eligibility - Population(s) Served
Older adults, people with disabilities, and their caregivers who need physical, social, or emotional support

Varies per program

Robin Kish - Care and Service Manager

Carolyn Kaufman - Adult Day Program Coordinator
519-539-1231 ext 6292 *
Kimberly Anderson - Program Supervisor
519-539-1231 ext 6306 *


Area(s) Served
Oxford and area

W_wheelchair.gif Wheelchair Accessible

Description of Services:
Supports for older adults, adults and children with disabilities and caregivers * helps people remain independent in their own homes and community for as long as possible
  • Adult Day Program Caregiver Support Program Meetings for peer support and discussion, with educational videos, guest speakers and conversation, for family and friends who are caregivers
  • Home At Last Program (HAL) Assistance for adults returning home from a hospital stay
  • Home Help Program Assistance with daily chores, such as laundry, light housekeeping, errands, grocery shopping, and meal preparation * Home Helpers can be scheduled weekly, bi-weekly, monthly * for older adults and adults with disabilities
  • Meals on Wheels Hot meals delivered between 11:30am-12:30pm
  • Special Services at Home and Passport Program Respite support for children 0-17 years of age who have a developmental and/or physical disability
    • provides temporary relief to caregivers 
    • support may be provided by Support Workers screened by VON and matched with families based upon needs
  • Supportive Care Programs Companionship, respite care and emotional support to people and their family/caregivers dealing with a life-threatening illness * bereavement support for anyone who has experienced the death of someone close * services can be provided at home and at Sakura House * children's and teen's bereavement programs available
  • Transportation Non-emergency transportation to local and long-distance medical appointments * volunteer drivers * door to door services * trips must be pre-arranged (call for details)
  • Volunteer Visiting Regular weekly volunteer visits to older adults and people with disabilities * volunteer visitors are matched one to one with clients to provide companionship and support * visits may involve conversation, sharing an activity in the home, cards or board games, and going out for a drive or coffee * virtual/phone visits also available

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About Us

VON is a not-for-profit, national health care organization and registered charity offering a wide range of community health care solutions, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. VON also owns and operates a 10 bed residential hospice, Sakura House.

Last update: Feb 25, 2025: Suggest an edit