Assisted Living
1280 20th St E, Box 969
Owen Sound, ON
N4K 6H6
Toll-Free: 1-800-265-3138
Fax: 519-376-8233
Support Services: Daily 24 hours
Administration: Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm
Last update: Sep 9, 2024: Suggest an edit
Apply through the Ontario Health atHome South West area

Eligibility - Population(s) Served
Older adults and adults with disabilities who need physical, social, or emotional supports to continue to live as independently as possible * Ontario Health atHome coordinators assess the needs of applicants

Support services are free * rent or accommodation is the responsibility of the client

Lisa Nickie-Waltenburgh - Manager, Community Support Services

English ; French

Language Note
French interpretation available upon request

Area(s) Served
Grey County ; Bruce County and area

Accessibility Note
Services provided in client's home

Description of Services:
Care for older adults with chronic illness or cognitive impairment who require assistance with independent living

Personal Support Workers offer services throughout the day to a person requiring physical, mental and social assistance with independent living * services can include personal care, housekeeping, medication prompting, meal preparation and social, recreation and physical activity programs, as required by the need of the client

Communities served include Owen Sound, Southampton, Port Elgin, Wiarton, Meaford, Thornbury and Kincardine * supports also available to Hub clients living in their own homes near all sites but Owen Sound

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Last update: Sep 9, 2024: Suggest an edit