Substance Use Program
200 Queens Ave, Suite 260
London, ON
N6A 1J3
519-673-3242 ext 1222
Fax: 519-673-1022
Mon, Tue 8:30am-8pm * Wed-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm
Last update: Dec 5, 2023: Suggest an edit
Call for intake

Eligibility - Population(s) Served
Adults and youth who are affected by substance use and dependence * clients with minor mental illness are accepted


English ; French

Area(s) Served

W_wheelchair.gif Wheelchair Accessible

Description of Services:
Treatment planning and community-based outpatient treatment for people with a substance use concern

Assesses people with a substance use concern using standardized assessment tools * develop treatment plans * referrals to the Heartspace program, other Addiction Services programs, or external agencies (e.g. residential or inpatient treatment programs) are made as needed

Offers treatment models based on cognitive-behavioural, stages of change, harm reduction, multidisciplinary, and solution-focused * case management, outpatient counselling and aftercare to facilitate recovery
  • on-going assessments and adjustments of the treatment plan
  • linking to and coordinating required services
  • monitoring and supporting
  • developing and implementing the discharge plan
  • advocacy

Treatment sessions assist in developing skills to manage substance use and related concerns, and/or maintain and enhance treatment goals * activities such as relapse prevention, guided self-change, follow-up and aftercare are included as well as programming to support/educate family

Substance Use Outreach Program - for clients with barriers to accessing services at office * barriers may include mobility or mental health challenges, risks of violence, conflict of interest of confidentiality concerns * counsellors and clients meet at mutually agreed upon location for brief solution-focused therapy with goal of minimizing or eliminating barriers to accessing services at office
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Last update: Dec 5, 2023: Suggest an edit