Contact Nancy Docherty or to register for services in other Counties: London Middlesex: 519-673-6617 Oxford: 1-888-866-7518 Grey Bruce: 1-833-659-5491 Huron Perth: 1-844-482-7800 Elgin: 1-888-866-7527
Eligibility - Population(s) Served
Be a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant at least 18 years of age and have an acquired brain injury, including traumatic brain injury, infection, anoxia, aneurysm, tumor and stroke * must have valid Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) card * must have free will commitment to rehabilitation and/or participation in Dale Brain Injury Services programs * serious medical issues must be stabilized
Cients with third-party funding pay for their rent, food, phone, personal expenses
Nancy Docherty - Clinical Administrative Assistant
519-668-0023 ext 1126 *
English ; French
Language Note
Interpretation available upon request
Area(s) Served
Grey County, Perth County, Bruce County, Elgin County, Huron County, Middlesex County, and Oxford County

Wheelchair Accessible