Eligibility - Population(s) Served
Adults 18 years and older who have autism and/or other developmental disabilities
Jean Paul Caza
5198283923 Ext123 *
English ; French
Language Note
Referral to French Language Service Available
Area(s) Served
Chatham-Kent, Essex County, and Lambton County
Description of Services:
SFA operates 13 supported group living homes in three
counties (Sarnia-Lambton, Chatham-Kent and Windsor-Essex). Supporting adults
with developmental disabilities to live their best lives.
Person-centered approach by
listening to individuals to ensure activities and supports received are
based on specific interests and wishes. Supporting individuals to develop
life and communication skills to live as independently as possible.
Providing Supported Independent Living Services to
individuals with disabilities, already living in their communities, youth
transition planning services through our Stepping Stones Program and Transfer
Payment Service to families receiving allocated funding provided by the
Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services.
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