Wallaceburg Specialized Service
315 King St W
Chatham, ON
N7M 5K8
Fax: 519-436-3240
Mon-Sat 8am-7pm * Sun 9am-5pm
The application must be filled out by the applicant, or any other designated person, giving reasons for the request * applicant must state whether the application is to be permanent or temporary * application must be either signed by the applicant or signed on behalf of the applicant if she/he is incapable of signing * family doctor or authorized nurse must also sign the medical portion of the application

Application form can be picked up at Wallaceburg Municipal Service Centre (786 Dufferin St) - call 519-627-1603 and request an application or can be picked up in Chatham at the Civic Centre (3rd fl, Engineering and Transportation Division) - call 519-360-1998 and request an application * can also be printed off online or by calling 519-436-3233

Mail completed application to:
Municipality of Chatham-Kent
Engineering & Transportation Division
PO Box 640
315 King Street West
Chatham ON N7M 5K8

Eligibility - Population(s) Served
Prople with a permanent disability and require the service for an indefinite period of time
Persons who are temporarily disabled because of illness or injury - minimum of one (1) month to a maximum of six (6) months (subject to review if service is still required after the expiration date)

$2.50 one-way with cash or $2.16 with advance cash pass card


Area(s) Served

W_wheelchair.gif Wheelchair Accessible

Description of Services:
Personalized curb-to-curb transportation service for frail, elderly and persons with mobility issues * transportation to employment, education, medical services, personal activities, business activities or leisure activities

To book a ride, call 519-436-3233 and provide name, address of pick-up and destination, time of pick-up, whether there will be an attendant * book return trip at the same time * call at least 24 hours in advance * trips are booked on a first-come, first-serve basis * priority for pre-arranged appointments * cancel at least 24 hours in advance

Support person can ride for free with advance application and approval
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Last update: Oct 17, 2023: Suggest an edit