Call 519-997-2823 ext.341
Eligibility - Population(s) Served
Adults aged 25 and older who:
• Require exercises to be modified and supervised
• Are able to work in a group exercise setting
• Are able to bring and independently administer emergency medications (i.e. rescue inhalers, Nitro)
• Can stand from sitting with minimal assistance and be able to stand with support if needed for a minimum of 15 seconds (for in-person programs)
• Can follow instructions and communicate any adverse effects of exercise
• Have functional limitations or chronic pain that severely limits their ability to perform ADLs (for the Therapeutic Exercise classes)
• Have decreased functioning of the arm or hand (for the Upper Body Exercise classes)
• Have a respiratory condition that limits their ability to perform ADLs (for the Respiratory Wellness class)
• Clients should not be participating in Outpatient Rehab Services through HDGH or in other community exercise programs while participating in CDMP exercise programs
Language Note
Translation offered upon request
Area(s) Served

Wheelchair Accessible