Completion of a referral form from your physician or nurse practitioner. A referral form can be accessed at
Eligibility - Population(s) Served
Target patient populations: - Stroke and Aquired Brain Injury - Degenerative conditions including Parkinson's Disease, Multiple Sclerosis and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis - Voice and fluency disorders - Conditions impacting swallowing ability (such as cancer, dementia, COPD etc.)
Covered by OHIP
Paula Gilmore - Director, Rehabilitation, Rehabilitation Therapy Services, Stroke/Vascular, Dialysis & Geriatrics
Bluewater Health
Doug Tomback - Senior Speech-Language Pathologist
Language Note
Translation services are available
Area(s) Served
Residents of Lambton County and the surrounding area

Wheelchair Accessible
Description of Services:
Program Description:
Speech Language Pathology provides assessment and therapy to individuals from the community who require therapy as a result of impairments with swallowing, motor-speech, language, cognitive-communication, voice and/or fluency.
Focus of the Program:
- Patient/family centred approach
- Completion of Clinical Swallowing Assessments as well as Modified Barium Swallow (MBS) studies in conjunction with Diagnostic Imaging staff
- Completion of formalized testing protocols with therapy to follow as appropriate/necessary
- Provide individuals with necessary links to community resources
- Provide feedback to the individual and his/her physician re appropriate follow-up/recommendations
Who provides service:
Speech-Language Pathologist and, if appropriate, a Communication Disorders Assistant.
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