Crisis Text Line
Daily 24 hours

Eligibility - Population(s) Served
Children and youth


English ; French

Language Note
French programs offered * French website

Area(s) Served

Description of Services:
Free crisis text line service available Canadian wide 24/7 by texting CONNECT to 686868  * partnered with Kids Help Phone and powered by volunteers, every texter can be directly connected to a volunteer crisis responder at any time

Become a Volunteer Crisis Responder - Applications to become a volunteer crisis responder are available through the website * applications, web-based training and volunteering a minimum of 4 hours of your time weekly are all requirements

Crisis Text Line - Specific community keywords - Text service allowing young people to connect with a volunteer crisis responder :
  • Black Youth: Text RISE to 686868
  • Inuit Youth: Text INUIT to 686868
  • First Nations Youth: Text FIRST NATIONS to 686868
  • Métis Youth: Text METIS to 686868
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