Closing the Gap Healthcare Group - Grey Bruce
733 9th Ave E, Unit 4
Owen Sound, ON
N4K 3E6
Toll-Free: 1-855-854-8074 (clinic)
Fax: 519-370-2114 (home care) / 855-545-4181 (physio clinic)
Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm
No referral required for private pay services * apply through Ontario Health at Home South West Region for publicly-funded services

Physiotherapy Services: No referral required for private pay services * medical referral required for OHIP coverage * medical referral may be required for third-party insurance

Eligibility - Population(s) Served
People who require homecare or physiotherapy services * OHIP coverage for those 19 years and under, 65 years and older, ODSP or Ontario Works recipients, and people hospitalized for at least one night due to an injury

Set fee * physiotherapy services may be covered by OHIP or third-party insurance, if eligible

Melissa Morby - Client Services Manager

English ; French

Language Note
French interpretation available upon request

Area(s) Served
Owen Sound and area

W_wheelchair.gif Wheelchair Accessible

Description of Services:
Community-based health services including physiotherapy, occupational therapy, dietitian, social work and speech-language pathology * services provided in home, clinic, school, community or work environments

Medical driving evaluations - Completed through the DriveABLE Assessment Centre in Owen Sound

Assistive Devices Program (ADP) Authorizer
- Mobility and communication assessments in client's home to determine eligibility for the ADP program

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Last update: Dec 18, 2023: Suggest an edit