St Thomas District Stroke Centre - Integrated Stroke Unit
189 Elm St
St Thomas, ON
N5R 5C4
519-631-2030 ext 2950
Service: Daily 24 hours
Administration: Mon-Fri 8am-4pm
Medical referral required

Most services are covered by OHIP


Language Note
Interpreter services available upon request

Area(s) Served
Norfolk, South-West Oxford, and Elgin

W_wheelchair.gif Wheelchair Accessible

Description of Services:
One of four District Stroke Centres in the South West region * 8-bed Integrated Stroke Unit (ISU) provides acute and rehabilitative care, service and support to patients living in St Thomas and Elgin County who have experienced a stroke

Patient remains on the same unit, in the same bed, surrounded by key team members who work collaboratively to help the patient with all aspects of their care * each multidisciplinary team member assesses, develops, and implements creative patient-centered care plans based on evidence and Stroke Best Practice Standards
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