Retirement Home
437 First Ave
Petrolia, ON
N0N 1R0
Fax: 519-882-0028
Daily 24 hours
Call * no referral required

Eligibility - Population(s) Served
Seniors who are independent or need only minor assistance

Set fee


Area(s) Served
Petrolia and area

W_wheelchair.gif Wheelchair Accessible

Description of Services:
Programs and Services
The following programs and services are available to all Residents at no additional cost:
  • nursing and personal care on a 24-hour basis
  • supervision of a Registered Practical Nurse (RPN) or Registered Nurse (RN)
  • medication and treatment administration 
  • assistance with activities of daily living (bathing, dressing, toileting, transfers, oral care, personal hygiene, bed mobility, eating, mobility on/off unit) from x1 staff member
  • supplies that are necessary for the provision of basic medical, nursing and personal care
  • supplies and equipment for personal hygiene and grooming, including shampoo, body wash, toilet tissue and facial tissue 
  • meal service 3 times a day in a social setting
  • snack cart delivery 3 times a day (in between meals, at bedtime and at programs)
  • special and therapeutic diets, dietary supplements and assistive devices for eating/drinking
  • social, recreational and physical activities and programs, including related supplies and equipment
  • physiotherapy services (require a referral from Ontario Health atHome)
  • laundry, including labeling, machine washing, and drying of personal clothing
  • bedding and linen including mattresses, pillows, bed linen, washcloths and towels
  • bedroom furnishings such as an adjustable bed, bedside table, and comfortable easy chair
  • routine cleaning and upkeep of accommodations and room furnishings
  • all other services required under the Retirement Home Regulatory Authority
Alternate Level of Care fees
Upon admission or during a Residents stay, there may be requirements for the following that are not included in the daily fee:
  • I.V. services or supplies – cost will be based on treatment and usage
  • wound care services or supplies – cost will be based on treatment and usage
  • falls monitoring systems – cost varies per item
  • medications without coverage – as per Hogan’s Pharmacy – a cost authorization must be completed
  • incontinent products – can be purchased by the home and billed to Residents account or purchased by Resident/family
  • $30.00/day - If Resident requires more than 1 staff for Activities of Daily Living
  • ADP assessments by a qualified Physiotherapist
  • $10.00/day = If Resident requires cares for incontinence (application, cares, disposal) *This is in addition to incontinent product costs
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