GLA:D Canada - Education and Exercise for Osteoarthritis
Toronto Western Hospital
399 Bathurst St
Toronto, ON
M5T 2S8

Eligibility - Population(s) Served
People with hip or knee osteoarthritis

Set fee


Area(s) Served

W_wheelchair.gif Wheelchair Accessible

Description of Services:
8-week education and exercise program delivered by certified therapists for people with symptoms of hip or knee osteoarthritis (OA) * program teaches participants how to control movements to improve everyday functional activities * goal of the program is to reduce symptoms, increase physical activity and quality of life for its participants * program includes:
  • 2-3 education classes
  • 12 tailored neuromuscular exercise sessions (twice a week for 6 weeks)
  • quality monitoring of the program through collecting participant's outcome results from functional tests

Program offered in rehabilitation and wellness settings across Ontario such as gyms and physiotherapy clinics
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About Us

The GLA:D ™ program was developed in Denmark and to-date more than 10,000 individuals have participated. Results have shown that participants reported less pain, decreased use of pain-killers, less days on sick leave and improved quality of life.

Last update: May 31, 2024: Suggest an edit