Faculty of Law
Law Building
Faculty of Law, Western University
London, ON
N6A 3K7
Admissions: 519-661-3347 * Administration: 519-661-3346
Call or email

Eligibility - Population(s) Served
Admission criteria listed in detail on website * eligibility varies for community legal clinics

Set fees for tuition and some legal services * most legal clinic services are free or low-cost


Area(s) Served
Southwestern Ontario

W_wheelchair.gif Wheelchair Accessible

Description of Services:
Law school

Offers students opportunities to develop practical experience through clinical courses, advocacy training, Community Legal Services Clinic, Western Business Law Clinic, Sport Solution Clinic, Dispute Resolution Centre, and Pro Bono Students Canada * notary services for set fee
  • Community Legal Services CLS provides free legal assistance and representation to low-income people in the London community and to Fanshawe College and Western Univeristy students in the following areas:
  • Dispute Resolution Centre Provides mediation services to the community * helps to work out fair and lasting solutions to most kinds of disputes including small claims court and civil matters, neighbourhood conflicts, landlord-tenant disputes, roommate difficulties, employer-employee programs and interpersonal conflict
Last update: Nov 2, 2023: Suggest an edit