Feed Ontario
229 Yonge St
Toronto, ON
M5B 1N9
: 416-656-4104
Visit website * no referral required
Eligibility - Population(s) Served
Food banks in Ontario
Meghan Nicholls - Chair of Board
Carolyn Stewart - Executive Director
Area(s) Served
Description of Services:
Provincial representative and support for food banks in Ontario * logistical support and coordination for food banks
Ontario Egg Program
- Program which provides eggs to people in need
Ontario Pork Program
- Raising funds and receives donations to purchase pork for food banks
Ontario Beef Program
- Raises funds to purchase beef for food banks
CFO Cares
- Donations of chickens by chicken farmers to food banks
Ontario Turkey Program
- Raises funds to purchase turkey for food banks
Milk Program
- Over 500 dairy farmers support Ontario food banks by donating over one million litres of milk every year
One More Bite
- Program to recover food that may otherwise go to waste from grocery stores and distribute to food banks
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Food Banks
Last update: Jul 22, 2024:
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