Skill Development and Employment - Integrated Employment Services
595 Bradley Ave, Unit 202
London, ON
N6E 3Z8
Toll-Free: 1-866-496-8603
Fax: 519-642-7665
Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm
Referral through government program or third party insurance for fee coverage

Eligibility - Population(s) Served
People with a physical disability or mental health challenge needing supports to enter or return to the workforce and of legal working age and not attending full time school or training; must be resident of Ontario and eligible to work in Canada * must qualify for assistance from a government source, Canada Pension Plan, Ontario Works or private insurance

Fees for assessments * fees vary by eligibility


Area(s) Served
London and area

W_wheelchair.gif Wheelchair Accessible

Description of Services:
Employment resources and coaching for people with disabilities to find sustainable employment in Ontario
  • assessment of skills, interests and abilities
  • job search strategies and support, including resume development and interview preparation
  • information about careers and occupations, local labour market, employment opportunities
  • help in maintaining employment
  • information and referral to other employment and community services

Better Jobs Ontario - Skills training and financial support for unemployed workers
  • training program must demonstrate good job prospects
  • financial support based on need, may include tuition, instructional costs, books, transportation and/or a basic living allowance

Services for employers -- help in identifying human resource skills requirements
  • matching of workplace needs to workers' skills, capabilities, interests and experience
  • support for developing on-the-job training plans and monitoring of placements to support retention
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Last update: Oct 30, 2024: Suggest an edit