Immunization clinic * publicly funded vaccines to protect against vaccine preventable diseases
General information and counselling about vaccines * immunization record reviewed to determine eligibility for fee vaccines
- diphtheria
- pertussis (whooping cough)
- tetanus
- polio
- haemophilia influenza type B (Hib)
- measles
- mumps
- rubella
- hepatitis B
- influenza (available seasonally, fall to spring for those under 2 yrs of age)
- COVID (available seasonally, fall to spring for those under 2 yrs of age)
- RSV (available seasonally, for infants who qualify for a dose)
- pneumococcal
- varicella (chickenpox)
- meningococcal
- rotavirus
The clinic also provides post-exposure vaccine doses (eg. Hepatitis A and Rabies) to those who have been notified of this recommendation.
Mpox vaccine is available from the Sexual Health Clinic for those who qualify.