L'Arche London
4448 Colonel Talbot Rd
London, ON
N6P 1B6
Call ahead * hours vary
Call * no referral required

Eligibility - Population(s) Served
Adults 18 years and older with intellectual disabilities

Set fee for regular Day Program activities * free drop in opportunities for those coming with their own support

Marietta Drost - Executive Director and Community Leader

Joslyn Reid - Health and Homes Coordinator
519-652-9778 ext 221 * jos@larchelondon.org


Area(s) Served

W_wheelchair.gif Wheelchair Accessible

Description of Services:
Individualized services designed to end the isolation of adults with intellectual disabilities * operates 3 homes and a day program

Day Program - Full week of activities for people with and without intellectual disabilities * arts and crafts, drama classes, exercise programs, and kitchen programs * for more information and to book call 519-652-9778 ext 228 * programming limited due to COVID-19

Music Club - Program for people of all music abilities * meets Mon 10am-11am online * contact laurel@larchelondon.org for more details

Open Mic - Wed 7pm-9pm online * every other week - a place for people of all abilities to meet together to share music

Coffee House -Every other Wed 7pm-9pm at The Gathering Place 4448 Colonel Talbot Rd, London - a place for people of all abilities to meet together and share music in person  participants are asked to attend with personal support aide as required (see website www.larchelondon.ca for exact dates)

Drum Circle - All are welcome to participate in a shared rhythm experience Thu 4pm-5pm * $5 per session or $20 for 6 weeks * participants are asked to attend with personal support aide as required

About Us

L'Arche London is a member of the international organization of faith-based communities creating homes and programs with people who have intellectual disabilities.

Last update: Jul 25, 2023: Suggest an edit