Guardian Pharmacy - St Marys - Wellington St S (Jackson's)
32 Wellington St S
St Marys
Fax: 519-284-4294
Mon-Fri 9am-6pm * Sat 9am-5pm
Dispensing fee plus medication costs * prescribed medications may be covered by OHIP

Josh Smith - Pharmacist


Area(s) Served
St Marys and area

W_wheelchair.gif Wheelchair Accessible

Description of Services:
General pharmacy
  • eFill prescription
  • medication placed in pill organizers (containers for storing scheduled doses) for a set fee
  • medication placed in blister packs (sealed, push-through packaging used to separate doses) for a set fee
  • home health care products and supplies and special order services
  • can order supplies such as walkers, wheelchairs, grab bars
  • monthly blood pressure clinics (provided by St Marys and Area Home Support Services), blood pressure kiosk in-store
  • IDEAL Protein Weight Loss Program with individual counselling
  • free seasonal flu vaccines by appointment
  • travel vaccines
  • free delivery
  • treatment and prescription of medications for common medical ailments, including rashes, pink eye, insect bites, acne, and urinary tract infections
  • prescription of COVID-19 antiviral treatment (Paxlovid)

MedsCheck - Appointments to review complex prescriptions with a pharmacist

Pharmacy Smoking Cessation Program - Help to quit smoking, available for Ontario Drug Benefit recipients

Medications Return Program - Safe disposal of expired or unused medications, creams, and inhalers
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Last update: Nov 14, 2023: Suggest an edit