Canada. Canada Pension Plan - Toronto - Retirement pension
Mon-Fri 8:30 am-4:30 pm to speak to an agent

Recorded information Mon-Sun 24 hours
Apply 6 months before you want your pension to start (not automatic)

  • apply online, by mail or in person at Service Canada sites -- see separate entries

  • application forms available online

Eligibility - Population(s) Served
Contributors to the Canada Pension Plan (CPP)

Canada has reciprocal social security agreements with many countries, which may allow people who have lived or worked in another country to qualify for a foreign pension


English ; French

Description of Services:
Monthly retirement pension, beginning as early as 60 years or as late as 70 years
  • full pension if started at 65 years
  • reduced pension if started before 65 years
  • increased pension if started after 65 years

Post-Retirement Benefit -- for workers 60-70 years who continue to contribute to CPP while receiving a CPP pension

Disability benefits -- for contributors under 65 years
  • allowance for dependent children

Survivor benefits -- monthly pension for surviving spouse or common law partner
  • children's benefit for dependent children of deceased contributor
  • death benefit (lump sum payment to estate, or persons responsible for funeral costs)

Amount of benefits payable is in proportion to contributions
  • pension credits earned by either spouse may be divided equally (credit splitting) on termination of marriage or common law partnership

Social Security Tribunal, 1-877-227-8577 -- independent appeal process for Canada Pension Plan decisions, see separate entry

Program of Employment and Social Development Canada, delivered by Service Canada

Retirement Hub - information and resources on pensions and retirement planning
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Last update: Nov 29, 2024: Suggest an edit