Community Living Hanover and Area, HARC
583 10th Street
Hanover, ON
N4N 1R8
Fax: 519-364-7488
Mon-Thu 8:30am-4:30pm * Fri 8:30am-4pm
Eligibility - Population(s) Served
Adults 18 years and older with a developmental disability

Jeff Pilkington - Executive Director

Shelley Osborne - Residential Manager
Steve Larocque - Residential Manager


Area(s) Served
Hanover and area

W_wheelchair.gif Wheelchair Accessible

Description of Services:
Provides support to people with disabilities, enabling them to live, work and participate in the community

Living in the Community Support- Support to assist people to live independently in their own residential setting * support includes money management, shopping and other activities of daily living

Home Support Program - Residential option for people with a disability to live with a family other than their own * supervision and support from all family members * home support providers receive ongoing support to assist with issues as well as remuneration to cover expenses incurred on behalf of the person living in their home

Residential Program - Six community group homes for people with developmental disabilities * homes are wheelchair accessible and 24-hour support and care are provided

Passport Program - Administers special services at home and contracts on behalf of people with a disability who live at home with their families * resources are focused on personal development and growth and/or family relief

Working in the Community Program - Supports people with disabilities to participate as active members of the workforce, doing meaningful work in their community * training and placement services for local employers * services are free and wage subsidies may apply

Snoezelen Room - For therapeutic purposes or stress relief  * promotes relaxation in people suffering from sensory and learning disabilities * open to the public, by donation * call ahead to book appointment * 527 11th Ave, Hanover

Inclusion Center - Activity hub offering a variety of structured and individualized activities designed to reflect a person's specific interests and abilities * activities include lifelong learning, skill development, community connections, social interaction, snoezelen room activities * 314 10th St, Hanover

About Us

We’re a non-profit, charitable organization that has been providing services for over 30 years to people with developmental disabilities and their families in the Hanover area. Our goal is to support people to enable them to live, work and become an active member of our community.

Last update: Feb 20, 2024: Suggest an edit