Apply online to the Bruce County child care application system * no referral required
Eligibility - Population(s) Served
Children birth to 12 years
Child Care Subsidy available for eligible families
Set fee for child care only
Tina Metcalfe - Director of Human Services
Gillian Andrews - Acting Children's Services Manager
Cindy Tanner - Child Care Caseworker Supervisor
Tracey Shilvock - Resource Program Supervisor
Area(s) Served
Bruce County and Bruce

Wheelchair Accessible
Description of Services:
Manages the local child care system including child care subsidies, home child care licensing and placements, management of EarlyON Child and Family Centres, and ensuring the provision of high-quality, inclusive, accessible and affordable child care and early years programs and services in Bruce County.
Bruce County Online Child Care Application System (OneList Bruce County) - Online tool to help find and apply for child care, either in a licensed centre, home setting, or nursery school
Child Care Subsidy - Child care fee subsidy program for children based on family income * subsidy available in licenced child care centres or Bruce County home child care providers
Home Child Care - Provides approved home child care in local homes across Bruce County * licenses and approves child care providers * assists families with selecting a provider
EarlyON Child and Family Centres - Delivers early learning and literacy programs for children 0-6 years at various Bruce County locations
Resource Program - Provides inclusion supports for children in licensed child care programs, and authorized camp and recreation programs
Early Learning Coordination - Support for early learning professionals in licensed childcare centres and the early learning community to enhance quality
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