Community Mental Health Service Coordinator
1800 8th St E, Box 1800
Owen Sound, ON
N4K 6M9
Brightshores Mental Health and Addictions Navigation Line: 519-376-3303
Call * no referral required

Eligibility - Population(s) Served
People with mental health problems

Most services covered by OHIP


Area(s) Served
Grey and Bruce

W_wheelchair.gif Wheelchair Accessible

Description of Services:
Resources, collaboration, and consultation to service providers, consumers, families, and the legal system regarding information about mental health legislation and community treatment orders

Services include:
  • education and information about the Mental Health Act and Health Care Consent Act to health care professionals, community services, consumers and families
  • liaises between hospital and agencies that are providing services and support to clients with mental illness
  • participates in the development of protocols with local police, hospital emergency departments and mental health departments
Last update: Jun 18, 2024: Suggest an edit